My year in numbers for 2024.
My year in numbers for 2023.
An analysis of the Google Metrics 2023 for security venues.
Another one of Alessandro's papers recently received a best paper awards, this time at DIMVA'23
My year in numbers for 2022.
Two of Alessandro's papers recently got best paper awards at ACSAC and CPSIoTSec
My year in numbers for 2021.
In December 2021, I was awarded tenure at CISPA. My new W3-equivalent position starts on Jan 1st 2022.
My year in numbers for 2020.
An analysis of the Google Metrics 2020 for security venues.
My year in numbers for 2019.
I now finished converting this page (and in particular, the ~80 news posts) to use the Hugo framework with Academic theme.
An analysis of the Google Metrics 2019 for security venues.
My two first PhD students, Daniele Antonioli and Hamid Ghaeini, successfully defended their PhD in Singapore yesterday. Daniele presented his thesis with the title "Design, Implementation, and Evaluation of Secure Cyber-Physical and Wireless Systems", which included two recent tier one publications. Hamid's thesis has the title "Threats to Industrial Control Systems and Process-based Countermeasures", and included a recent RAID paper.
My year in numbers for 2018.
An analysis of the Google Metrics 2018 for security venues.
In August 2018, I will leave SUTD and join CISPA as faculty member. CISPA is a German research center focusing on world-class security research, headed by Michael Backes..
My year in numbers for 2017.
An analysis of the Google Metrics 2017 for security venues.
My year in numbers for 2016.
Davide Balzarotti released the following very nice analysis of academic research on security as published in the Top4 venues in the last 10 years.
I use SVN for my personal documents, research and teaching material. I finally got around to configure the server in what I expect to be a secure and usuable setup for multiple users.
I recently got bibrest into a usable state, a pet project that is aimed at providing dynamic .bib files for websites.
My SCy-Phy group is currently looking for at least one Post-Doc from October 2016 onwards. Potential projects are ASPIRE and ReSILIoT.
An analysis of the Google Metrics 2017 for security venues.
At the beginning of February 2016, my publications reached 500 citations according to Google scholar.
We now have a website for the SCy-Phy group at SUTD, follow this link. We will use it to provide updates on our research projects, and the group members.
I recently discovered that you can also use Google scholar to search for all articles hosted by an institution, and all faculty members with a Scholar profile at that institution.
An analysis of the Google Metrics for security venues.
I started to put of preliminary information on 50.020 Security for Fall term 2014 here. I also added the contact info with some directions.