2019 in numbers

Continuing my tradition, a quick personal note on my scholar profile. As of now, first week of January 2020, my publications reached ~2100 citations according to Google scholar (vs. ~1400 at this time last year/ 1000 two years ago/ 700 three years ago). Google scholar currently lists 72 publications (vs. 60 last year, most peer-reviewed), and one US patent. Our first GPS paper currently has 345 cites (after 257 last year). My h-index has increased to 26 (from 19), my i10-index is currently 39, from 32 last year.

Semantic scholar lists 1375 citations and 82 publications. They still indicate how many papers were strongly influenced by my work (113), compared to 69 in previous year. Authors listed as most influenced (unclear what that means) by my work are: Aditya Mathur (66), Aanjhan Ranganathan (55), Martin Ochoa (52), Ahmad Sadeghi (51), Sridhar Adepu (51).

Scopus lists generally lower numbers (e.g. only 58 publications, ~1065 citations), but they provide a number of co-authors: 113 (106 last year).

Other numbers for 2019: Github lists 52 commits to repositories (after 96 in 2018), as we shifted most collaborations to use Overleaf. I received 4967 mails on my university accounts (after removal of spam). Per working day, that would make around 20 (previous years: 36) mails. I sent 1147 mails (~5 per working day, last year 9). Both numbers are lower than my 2018 statistics, due to the lower size of my group after joining CISPA. A well-used chat system (Mattermost) to communicate with others also likely plays a role to reduce mail load.

My first two PhD students (Daniele and Hamid) graduated successfully in July.

I re-activated my twitter account (from'11), and currently follow 47, with 96 followers, and 26 tweets.

Nils Ole Tippenhauer
Nils Ole Tippenhauer

I am interested in information security aspects of practical systems. In particular, I am currently working on security of industrial control systems and the Industrial Internet of Things.
