2017 in numbers

As a follow-up to last year’s post, a quick personal note on my scholar profile. As of now, second week of January 2018, my publications reached 1001 citations according to Google scholar (vs. ~700 at this time last year/ 500 two years ago). Google scholar currently lists 53 publications (vs. 43 last year, most peer-reviewed), and one US patent. Our first GPS paper currently has 203 cites. My h-index has increased to 15 (from 11), my i10-index is currently 18, from ~12 last year.

Semantic scholar stopped listing total citation numbers for profiles. I noted they revised/reduced my citation estimate for 2016 quite a bit, down to 111 (was >200 before). They still indicate how many papers were strongly influenced by my work (54), compared to 7 in the previous year.

Scopus lists generally lower numbers (e.g. only 39 publications, ~450 citations), but they now provide a number of co-authors: 66.

Other numbers for 2017: Github lists 450 commits to repositories (after 807 in 2016). I received 16,285 mails on my university account (after removal of spam). Per working day, that would make around 64 mails. I sent 4,733 mails (~19 per working day). Both numbers are quite close to my 2016/2015 statistics.

Nils Ole Tippenhauer
Nils Ole Tippenhauer

I am interested in information security aspects of practical systems. In particular, I am currently working on security of industrial control systems and the Industrial Internet of Things.
