2024 in numbers
It’s time for another yearly quantitative review of my activity. Metric-wise (continuing my tradition), the year went as follows. As of now, second week of January 2025, my publications reached ~8000 citations according to Google scholar (vs. 6700 last year, ~5500 two years ago/ 4200 three years ago). So growth has consolidated, and I’m expecting to reach the 2023 citations numbers when some missing citations are added for 2024. Google scholar currently lists ~115 publications (vs. 105 last year, most peer-reviewed), and 3 US patents and several pending ones. Our first GPS paper currently has 753 cites (after 677 last year), in total 21 papers have >100 cites. My h-index has increased to 44 (from 42, my i10-index is currently 76, from 72 last year. Another one of Alessandro’s papers won a best paper award.
Semantic scholar lists 5655 citations and 108 publications. They still indicate how many papers were strongly influenced by my work (402), compared to 377 in previous year.They don’t list which authors were most influenced any more. I supposedly had more than 215 co-authors overall.
Scopus lists 90 publications, ~4299 citations, h-index 32, number of co-authors: 164 (165 last year). Overall they seem to have index around half of the number of documents that Google scholar has access to.
In 2024, I did not chair any event, and I stopped serving as area editor for IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security (T-IFS).
Other numbers for 2024: Github lists 67 commits to repositories. I received 7640 mails on my university accounts (after removal of spam). Per working day, that would make around 38 (previous year: 43) mails. I sent 1314 mails (~6 per working day, last year 6). So incoming emails decreased a bit, likely because I chaired Wisec in 2023.
My twitter account currently follows 124, has 448 followers. I am still not active on my mastodon account at well ( https://infosec.exchange/@notippenhauer).
My total Youtube stats: 2908h of watchtime on ~80 videos total (most from the lectures). 34 subscribers. Apart from video of keynote talks, other videos are private, so I won’t share them here.