The first submission deadline for Wisec'23 is coming up on Nov 17. Consider submitting your work!
The second submission deadline for ACNS is coming up on Jan 15. Consider submitting your work!
The Call for Papers for CPSS 2021 was just released.
The deadline for CPSS 2021 is coming up on Jan 27.
Together with the program chair Mauro Conti, I will serve as program co-chair for the 7th ACM Cyber-Physical System Security Workshop in 2021, to be held in Hong Kong (or online).
ACNS'21 Deadline extended until Sept 7
I will give a keynote talk at CPSS, October 6 (online). The tentative title is "Trust, but verify? Perspectives On Industrial Device Security".
The first submission deadline for ACNS is coming up on Sept 4. Consider submitting your work!
Together with the program chair Kazue Sako, I will serve as program co-chair for the 19th International Conference on Applied Cryptography and Network Security (ACNS) in 2021, to be held in Japan.
The Call for Papers for CPS-SPC 2019 was just released.
The Call for Papers for CPS-SPC 2018 was just released.
Our proposal to CCS to co-locate CPS-SPC 2018 was accepted.
We plan to have another meetup of the local TUHH Alumni chapter on March 27th, 7 pm at Restaurant Brotzeit at Harbourfront!
In 2018, I was asked to serve as TPC member for three security conferences that are quite important to me: CCS, Esorics, and Wisec.
I’m organizing a meetup of TUHH’s Singapore Alumni chapter on Nov 8, 4:30pm-6pm at SUTD. The plan is to give TUHH Alumni a chance to get to know each other, briefly show them the campus, and present research projects we do (e.g., and security research). Afterwards, we can have dinner nearby for everyone interested (self paid).
For everyone interested: please write me a quick mail, so I can make sure to keep you updated.
A three-member selection of our Kopipacket team scored first place at the Cross-CTF qualifiers. Congratulations Flavio, John, and Randy!
Kopipacket placed first in ICS/SCADA Hacking Competition at the 2017 Singapore ICS Cyber Security Conference. Congratulations to our members Eric, Juan and Athul (all working with Prof. Ochoa)!
The Call for Papers for CANS 2017 was just released.
We will organize the third SCy-Phy systems week in June, from 5 June 2017 to 9 June 2017. As part of the event, we will have a 2 day Think-In session with panelists and interactive discussions, and another iteration of the S3 event.
The Call for Papers for Esorics 2017 was just released.
The Call for Papers for Esorics 2017 was just released.
Together with Martin Ochoa, I founded SUTD’s first CTF team Kopipacket in January 2016. While we were pretty busy with other things for most of the summer, we still managed to participate in 12 CTF events (with placements between 11th and 893rd). Overall, we end the year on place 209 of the global CTF team leaderboard.
The Call for Papers for WiSec 2017 was just released.
The Call for Papers for SEMS 2017 was just released.
I will give a keynote talk at RFIDsec, December 1, in Hong Kong. The tentative title is “IT+OT=IOT? On Security for Industrial Control Systems”.
The Call for Papers for CPSS 2017 was just released.
Yesterday, we met with delegates from my alma mater, the Hamburg University of Technology (TUHH) to officially found the Singaporean Alumni Chapter.
We have now officially announced the BATADAL competition.
The Call for Papers for RFIDSEC 2016 was just released.
The Call for Papers for APS-CPS 2016 was just released.
The Call for Papers for SG-CRC 2017 was just released.
We are currently preparing for the SCy-Phy Systems week 2016, on July 25-29 2016. The SCy-Phy Systems week is an invitation-only event including one day of panel discussions, two days of practical security assessment and defences using our SWaT testbed, and further outreach activites.
Together with Asst. Prof. Martín Ochoa, I am currently setting up a team of researchers and students to compete in capture-the-flag (CTF) competitions.
The Call for Papers for SCSP-W 2016 was just released.
The Call for Papers for IFIP Sec 2016 was just released.
The Call for Papers for SG-CRC 2016 was just released.
The Call for Papers for CPSS 2016 was just released.
I will visit India (Delhi/Mumbai/Chennai) in September with a SUTD delegation to recruit PhD candidates and researchers.
For teaching and other presentations, I tend to use LaTeX+ beamer. Unfortunately, the default beamer themes are in my opinion all somewhat overloaded and outdated. I spent some time to built two themes for personal use, I call them the SUTD light and SUTD dark theme.